mt. kilimanjaro, june 5, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

masaai of the serengeti

the final posting of pictures from our final safari.
yes, i am already home in toronto as i write this.
it feels strange to be back. home still feels like arusha.
(michael's still there, so a big part of home is in fact still in arusha)
and i'm here frantically trying to move myself into a new apartment.
so its a nice break to revisit my photos from the safari.
the masaai people were quite beautiful. perfect models for my photos with their bright red and blue coloured materials draping their bodies.
if you'll notice, these photos all tend to be from a distance.
that's because the masaai are industrious people and wise to the idea that people really want to take photos from them - so badly that they are willing to pay.
so the masaai charge outrageous amounts to allow people to snap photos. me, well, i didn't have the spare cash. so i had to take most of my photos from the back seat of our safari vehicle as we sped along with the windows up.
apparently they get really really angry if they see you take a photo - they demand payment.
i have heard that there used to be a cultural superstition about the camera stealing your soul - but it seems more like an industrious (if rather annoying for amateur photographers like me) way to make some cash off of the wazungu who pass.we did manage to get past all of these masaai unharmed - although michael did definitely have to continue to remind me to put away my camera!

(masaai hanging out on the floor of the ngorongoro crater)
(this one is talking on a cell phone!)

i'm sure he agrees that it was well worth it to get these few photos (at least after we arrived safely home!!)
so that is all of tanzania. i hope to be back again & get the chance to start this blog back up with new photos.

there is just one more post for me to make and that is one to show you the departing shots in the airplane from Dar to Nairobi of a beautiful african sunrise.

so stayed tuned just a little longer!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

its a ndege, its a... ndege?...

it's a bird, it's a plane... nope - just birds.
(actually - this one is called a "kite": it floated around like one too)

birds. in swahili thats "ndege" - but then "ndege" also means a plane. just to be confusing.
will be on the plane shortly. we've landed in Dar es Salaam for a bit of beach before my departure (one nice night in a hotel & day at the beach - then a middle of the night/wee hours of the morning drive to the airport!!) i'll be home monday evening.

now for the serengeti feathery friends:
the ostriches!
a whole bunch of these vibrant and shiny little blue birds
(the females dont have the same colourings)
the "secretary bird":

finally, a bunch of friendly little finches hanging out by the olduvai gorge:
the last serengeti pics are next... i've saved the masaai for last...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

wanyama of the serengeti: part 2 (the veggies)

lots of appearances by the herbivore wanyama in the serengeti & ngorongoro as well:sleepy hippos...
(they would yawn and then find a good spot in their pool to roll, feet sailing into the air, and covering themselves in a fresh layer of mud!)
and buffalo (one was even smiling!)...
There were more ellies,
a small croc,
(the guy at the back is an eland, related to the wildebeest)
with a few zebra mixed in...
a black rhino that was quite a popular attraction...
(all these cars came for a view)
and enough bird pics you would think we had been on a bird safari (yes... they exist!)... but the birds are beig saved for my next post...