mt. kilimanjaro, june 5, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

beach bums with bug bites

we took a weekend holiday to the warm air of the coast this past weekend (pangani) - apparently the mosquitoes like it there too (and apparently i didn't get the bug spray out until after my legs were feasted upon from the knee down).
i've survived long enough now that it appears my malaria pills worked and i did not in fact come down with malaria on my's also been long enough that i figured it was time to post some of the photos i took around the town. the little, sleepy town of pangani, that five of us wazungu invaded.
(why did the chicken cross the road? - to get away from the mzungu driver??!!)
(a pangani market stand - it has anything and everything... beans, lentils, brooms, phone card top-ups...)

what prompted this vacation, you ask? (as if we need a reaosn for a visit to the beach!). well, our friend rented a car for the month. so: road trip.

but she cant drive. and here, people drive on the wrong side of the road. we had some of our other travel companions (who are accustomed to driving on the worng side of the road) transport us to our destination. but they were not joining us for the return trip so mike & i had to test out tanzanian driving for ourselves. good fun. we arrived safely. and mike expertly took over the section of the highway where we had to drive headfirst into the glaring, blinding sun before it set behind the mountains. good fun indeed.
(the drive home: the sun, after it finished blinding us all, turned the horizon to the west a deep red that faded to flush the entire sky pink... only in tanzania)

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