mt. kilimanjaro, june 5, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

life on the pwani

...for a couple days before reaching Arusha, we got to live on a beach (pwani - spelling is now correct!) - lovely, but it wasn't to last.
from Jambiyani town on Zanzibar island,to Chapwani island off the western coast of Zanzibar (looking back to Stone Town) where some resident giant turtles live (next of kin being the galapagos giants!), was pretty good - and warm (unlike here in Arusha, where days are baridi sana - although considerably warmer if the sun decides to come out... which usually happens in the afternoons)


  1. Hi Nat,
    I came over from Janelles,to welcome you to blogland! I'm enjoying your photos. How beautiful Mt. Kilimanjaro looks.

  2. Hi Nat! I am also Nat and a friend of Lori's. Your photos are great. :D

  3. Hi ladies, thanks for the positive reinforcemnt! I hope you continue to enjoy ;)
