mt. kilimanjaro, june 5, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

moja, mbili, tatu... "cheese"

I begin somewhere in the middle of the beginning...

while I write this currently from my home in Arusha, the stories and photos begin south and east of that in and around Dar es Saalam. So I will try to tell a bit about that journey before continuing with life here...
the photos collected here are all from Kisarawe, specifically the home of Baba Idi, a good friend of Michael's - we had a lively discussion in broken english/kiswahili about how "mchizi" is a crazy person, and that telling one to "say cheese" may be understood incorrectly to mean insultingly calling that person crazy. Well, we clarified what "cheese" meant to us, and a good amount of laughter was had all round.

we brought a set of dominoes with us for the family:
after giving a brief description of how to play, faces all suddenly lit up when we showed them the "fun" way to play with dominoes, lining them up in a snaking fashion across the small table and then nudging one until it created a chain reaction sending all of the dominoes crashing down - what exhileration and laughter!

...then the requisite photo with the whole family & friends with whom we had been sitting (note the "cheese-ing" faces)

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